Trademark / Brand Name |
Class(es) |
DECCAN exports +globe & arc |
35 |
DEV exports +birds |
35 |
DIVYANOOR exports |
35 |
DOLPHIN exports |
6 |
DOLPHIN exports +crown |
20 |
ELKIN exports +bird & circl |
35 |
ERNARD exports |
35 |
ESS ESS exports |
12 |
EVERSHINE exports |
14 |
FRONTIER exports |
25 |
GATI exports |
16 |
GAURAV exports |
30 |
GEOSTAR exports |
35 |
GP exports |
24, 25 |
7 |
IE IMPACTTO exports +man |
25 |
J.P. exports |
25 |
JIMMY imports exports +arcs |
35 |
KE KALIBER exports +squares |
35 |
14 |
KHAJANCHI exports |
30 |
KISHOR exports |
25 |
KUMAR exports |
6, 12 |
LIFE exports |
25 |
M.K. JEWELS exports |
35 |
MAC exports (india) +circle |
35 |
ME MAHALAXMI exports +globe |
35 |
MEDALLAY exports |
8 |
MILAN exports +arcs |
14 |
MK agro exports +plant |
29, 30 |
MULTI exports international |
24 |
NE NEVA exports +oval |
35 |
O OSCAR exports |
14 |
ORION exports |
6 |
RAGHAV exports |
35 |
RE RAMA exports |
17 |
RED RUBY bombay exports |
30 |
RELIANCE a to z exports |
42 |
RELIANCE quality exports |
42 |
ROCKY imports & exports |
35 |
S SIYARAM exports +arrow |
35 |
SAHU exports +woman |
25 |
SANA import & exports +arcs |
35 |
SARVAIYA exports limited |
35 |
SE SAYOH exports +globe ova |
35 |
SE SUKHSA exports |
7 |
SHARON exports +bird |
18 |
SOPARIWALA exports |
29, 30 |
SOPARIWALA exports +lines |
34 |
T.T. exports +box |
24 |
T.T. T.T. exports +box |
25 |
TAJ exports |
14 |
TE TARA exports +oval |
24 |
TRIO exports imports +arrow |
35 |
V AND V TELKAR exports |
18 |
VIROLA exports |
25 |
WEST india exports |
35 |
ZAP exports +globe |
19 |
ZODIAC exports |
35 |
be BARUN exports +circle |
18, 25 |
bombay exports KING ALPHONS |
31 |
cotton CARE exports |
25 |
re RAMA exports |
16 |
s SARVODAYA exports +sun |
25 |
shree NAKODA exports |
24 |
sree ANJANEYA exports |
25, 35 |
wonder exports |
6 |
KALEIDOSCOPE by expozay |
25 |
ABT exppress +lines |
12, 16 |
expres |
42 |
expres |
42 |
A1 RELIANCE cargo expreso |
42 |
express |
42 |
express FIGHTER |
16 |
express ME2U +arc |
35 |
express PHARMA PULSE |
16 |
express RAJDHANI tea +train |
30 |
express SCREEN |
16 |
express SHATABDI +train |
30 |
A1 RELIANCE express |
42 |
A1 RELIANCE tiger express |
42 |
AGMR express |
39 |
AIRTEL express yourself |
38 |
AJW express +arrows |
39 |
AKR express |
39 |
BARCODE express |
42 |
BEDROCK express |
12 |
BLUE DART express |
39 |
BLUE DART express +arrow |
1, 16 |
BLUE DART express limited |
39 |
BOLLD express |
35 |
BOMBINO express |
39 |
CITYLINE express |
7, 16 |
COLLECTIONS express +bird |
16 |
CORPORATE express |
2, 3, 9, 16, 20, 35, 39, 40, 42 |
CREAM CENTRE express +oval |
42 |
CWTCONNECT express |
38 |
DB express |
35, 36, 38, 42 |
DONER express |
29, 42 |
EAI express +leaves stripes |
1 |